First Time: Indian NATIONAL LIGHTING CODE 2010 prepared by ISLE under the chairmanship of Mr. P.K. Bandhopadhyay.
Revision: Of NLC (i.e. NATIONAL LIGHTING CODE 2020) done by ISLE under BIS as ‘Small R&D Project’ under project leader Dr. Rajat Mandal in 2019-20.

isle Value Addition In NLC Rev.
- Subject Matter - 13 parts, Section 20
- Main Contributors
- Panel / R&D
- Industry
- Organisation / Institute
- Expert Practitioner / Consultant
- Architecture
- Government Official
- Workshop
- Meeting
- Pages
NLC 2010
- 33
- 15
- Panel-10 (ISLE Chairperson of ET 24)
- 2
- 1
- -
- -
- 1
- N.K*
- N.K*
- 327
NLC Rev.
- 50
- 5
- R&D - ISLE(Project Leader)
- 22
- 10
- 16
- 10
- 5
- 8
- 25+ more to continue
- 1000+